上海雙旭電子有限公司聯系電話:021-63515606,63515607,63515605 63510720,63510721,63504668 公司網站:http://www.63504668.com http;//shhsxdz.1688.com 上海黃海藥檢片劑四用測定儀(脆碎,崩解,硬度三個杯溶出)數顯SY-3(原78X-3C)查看大圖 生產廠家:H|上海黃海藥檢 參考價格:13800 詢價:加入詢價車
78x-3c片劑多用儀,該產品集藥片的硬度,脆碎度,崩解度三項功能于一體,征集整機結構設計合理,性能穩定,操作方便,主要技術指標符合《中國藥典2005版》的規定,廣泛用于醫藥行業的科研,教學,藥檢所及各制藥企業的質量管理部門和實驗室. 硬度部分采用馬達驅動,操作方便,測試結果準確可靠,崩解部分為3杯測試,詳細說明見產品說明書。
78X-3C multi-function tablet tester is a new innovate designed production. All the tester technical indicators are in line with the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005" version of the provision. It is an ideal drug testing equipment.
1. the part of disintegration Distance Hanging Basket Covers Vertically 55±1mm Times of Hanging Basket Up and Down 30-32 times/min the volume of flat-bottomed beaker 1000ml
2.the part of friability The inner diameter of brake drum Ø286mm The depth of brake drum 39mm The rotary speed 25r/min. 100r/min will be stopped
3.the part of hardness the max. Diameter of testing drug 25mm the max. testing pressure 200N the testing accuracy 5N 測定儀JWK24-D10P價錢 JWK24-A10P價錢 T-GKB-M0524NA價錢 GN-0424NA價錢 LXJ3-15/TH價錢 GK-M0524NA價錢 LXJD-2D價錢 WJK-11價錢 ST-2K-G價錢 SN04-P價錢 SN04-N2價錢 TL-N10MY1價錢 TL-N10MF1價錢 JK-G-K25價錢 TL-N5MF1價錢 TL-N5MY1價錢 NBN8-18GM40-Z1價錢 NBN8-18GM60-W0價錢 NBB15-30GM60-W0價錢 LK20-4K-G價錢 NBN15-30GM60-W0價錢 NBN15-30GM50-Z1價錢 NBB10-30GM50-Z1價錢 NBN8-18GM50-E2價錢 NBB5-18GM50-Z0價錢 NBN4-12GM40-Z0價錢 NBN4-12GM50-Z0價錢 NBB2-12GM50-Z0價錢 NBN15-30GM50-Z0價錢www.shwjzdh.com www.shuangxu.net www.63504668.com www.oneyb.com www.jsbyb.com www.yqybzhan.com |